Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Rain Rain Go Away
Well, I knew that sunshine couldn't last...I'm just happy I have a fur brother to keep me warm when the weather turns cold and wet. I feel bad for all the kitties that are outside today and have no home to call their own. Nothing sadder than a feline who needs a family. But I don't want them to come here. NO MORE KITTIES. Do you hear me, Door Opener? Not even one more. I was gracious and friendly when you brought home our Zephyr, but THAT'S IT. NO MORE.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I hate kittens. I really really do. I hope to never have to endure another kitten in my life again. I don't really like ANY other cats except Zeph, but I have a particular dislike for kittens. When we had foster kittens at my house I had a lot of trouble being civil. Vile puny little creatures. That's why I just don't get that the Door Opener thinks that there's nothing cuter than a bucketful of kittens. There's nothing cuter than ME. End of discussion.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Feline Superhighway
I don't think I've ever told you about the super fences in my garden! They have these great cat-paw-sized boards all along them so that I can run almost all the way around my territory without ever touching the ground. It's a perfect way to check for intruders, see what's new and generally have a lot of fun zipping along them. The squirrels like to run along them too...someday I'll catch one, I swear! My complete and unrelenting hatred of squirrels is a post for another day... The fences also help me get easily into the yards on either side of us, which I think should be mine too. But not the yard behind us - that's Moxie's and I respect her boundaries. Well....I mostly respect her boundaries. Both of us think that the warm and sunny shed roof should be ours and ours alone. We haven't worked out a compromise on that one yet and a few times a year there's a standoff.