Ahhhh, Christmas time was good here at the Empress household. Santa Claws brought lots of good things for the felines and the fleshies broke out the goat cheese for some fine festive snacking. My heartfelt wish for my very own goat for the backyard was ignored, but maybe next year...
As for New Years Resolutions I think I'll go with three...
1) Be more demanding.
2) Refuse to let those chumps tell me what to do.
3) Find a way to subvert their bizarre need to vacuum.
Greetings, Empress! I'm Rocky, CEO (Cat Executive Officer) of ArtsyCatsy. Come sniff us out and watch my catstaff of 15 formerly-ferals train our humans to start a new business for cat lovers. If we make you purr, want to link to each other? E-meow me anytime at ArtsyCatsy@yahoo.com!
Hi Musette! I only recently found your blog and really have enjoyed reading it. I like your resolutions. My brother Tommy managed to subvert the mom's need to vacumn somewhat by getting her a thing called a "carpet sweaper". It's quiet and doesn't make noise like the other two vacumns but picks up surface stuff so the carpet doesn't show cat fur as much. Tommy thinks it's a god send.
*sigh* Here it is 11/15/2009 and nothing from yoo since 1/7/2007...we think maybe yoo haf abandonded yoor blog. That's sad cuz we loved hearing from yoo and Zephyr. Bye bye sweet Empress...
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.
That's a very lovely, dreamy picture of you Musette. Kind of a "come hither" look.
And lobster... always ask for lobster
That is a furry good picture of you Musette. Happy New Year.
yoo look furry purrty an thawtfull unner the lites.
Greetings, Empress! I'm Rocky, CEO (Cat Executive Officer) of ArtsyCatsy. Come sniff us out and watch my catstaff of 15 formerly-ferals train our humans to start a new business for cat lovers. If we make you purr, want to link to each other? E-meow me anytime at ArtsyCatsy@yahoo.com!
Musette you are looking lovely as usual under that Christmas tree. I'm sure you already knew that though. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!
It's good to hear from you again, Musette. We were getting worried that something bad happened.
How is it going Musette? And how is my ginger friend Zephyr. Hope you two are OK.
Fat Eric
Are you still bloggin' Empress?
Hi Empress::waves paws:: we'z hope yoo is okay and dat yoo will come back to blogging soon. Oh, we would like to see Zephyr too.
It's 5/26/07
I hope you're ok...
Musette? It's 8/30/07 and we haven't heard anything from you. We hope your okay...please be okay.
Happy New Year 2008! Are you still blogging? Let us know...
Man..it's been a whole year. WHERE IS YOU? We're worried!
Musette? Are you still there? It's almost June, 2008...we miss yoo.
Last time - Happy New Year 2009!
Hi Musette!
I only recently found your blog and really have enjoyed reading it. I like your resolutions. My brother Tommy managed to subvert the mom's need to vacumn somewhat by getting her a thing called a "carpet sweaper". It's quiet and doesn't make noise like the other two vacumns but picks up surface stuff so the carpet doesn't show cat fur as much. Tommy thinks it's a god send.
*sigh* Here it is 11/15/2009 and nothing from yoo since 1/7/2007...we think maybe yoo haf abandonded yoor blog. That's sad cuz we loved hearing from yoo and Zephyr. Bye bye sweet Empress...
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