Well, I knew that sunshine couldn't last...I'm just happy I have a fur brother to keep me warm when the weather turns cold and wet. I feel bad for all the kitties that are outside today and have no home to call their own. Nothing sadder than a feline who needs a family. But I don't want them to come here. NO MORE KITTIES. Do you hear me, Door Opener? Not even one more. I was gracious and friendly when you brought home our Zephyr, but THAT'S IT. NO MORE.
You seem pretty concerned about this Musette. Have your humans specifically threatened you and Zephyr with another sibling? Are they feeling broody? I'm glad you realise there's nothing like snuggling with a ginger kitty on a rainy day - we are the cuddliest! By the way, Zephyr hasn't applied for his Gorgeous Gingers membership yet, is he still interested?
Zephyr's interested - don't get him wrong - but he's a procrastinator and, to be honest, pretty lazy. That isn't a typical ginger quality, is it? Anyway, he'll get around to it someday - perhaps after his next nap. Or the one after that. He naps often.
Have we been threatened with the introduction of another kitty in the household? Well, it seems that it's always a possibility. If the Door Opener had her way, there'd be a cat for every room, and no lap would ever go unkittified, so numerous would be the felines scrambling to provide kitty comfort.
I love this picture of you and your brother, Zephyr. (I even have to admit - I love his name! It begins with Z, and he's a ginger like me! Maybe we're brothers?!) I agree with you, though, Musette, that it is sad when you see terrible weather and consider that you are very special to be inside. Maybe your Door Opener wouldn't be so bad for letting another one in?
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.
You seem pretty concerned about this Musette. Have your humans specifically threatened you and Zephyr with another sibling? Are they feeling broody?
I'm glad you realise there's nothing like snuggling with a ginger kitty on a rainy day - we are the cuddliest! By the way, Zephyr hasn't applied for his Gorgeous Gingers membership yet, is he still interested?
Zephyr's interested - don't get him wrong - but he's a procrastinator and, to be honest, pretty lazy. That isn't a typical ginger quality, is it? Anyway, he'll get around to it someday - perhaps after his next nap. Or the one after that. He naps often.
Have we been threatened with the introduction of another kitty in the household? Well, it seems that it's always a possibility. If the Door Opener had her way, there'd be a cat for every room, and no lap would ever go unkittified, so numerous would be the felines scrambling to provide kitty comfort.
All kitties am invited to mine purrthday party next month!! Puhlease come by & let us know if you will be coming & how many!
I love this picture of you and your brother, Zephyr. (I even have to admit - I love his name! It begins with Z, and he's a ginger like me! Maybe we're brothers?!) I agree with you, though, Musette, that it is sad when you see terrible weather and consider that you are very special to be inside. Maybe your Door Opener wouldn't be so bad for letting another one in?
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