Foster Kitties

This is Acorn. She was one of the foster kittens from last summer. The Girl loved this dumb kitten SO VERY much. She cried and cried when Acorn and her brother and sister had to go back to the SPCA so they could find their own peeps. That kitten surely wasn't staying here. I HATED that stupid kitten and was glad to see her and her kind get out of my house. The Girl still gets a little sad when she thinks about Acorn and she hopes that whatever family she has is as good to her as my family is to me. Even though I was disgusted by the very thought of Acorn and the all the other foster kitties living in MY basement, I do hope they all found themselves homes where they are never yelled at or hurt or humiliated, that they get lots of pats and scritches when they want them and some sweet sweet canned food at least once in awhile. All felines deserve to be treated like royalty and nothing makes the Empress sadder 'n madder than hearing about someone mistreating a cat!
Spay and neuter your pets, people.
Want to know a secret? The Girl still checks the SPCA website every week to make sure Acorn hasn't been returned. She says if she ever sees Acorn there she will be going to get her immediately and I'll just have to learn to deal with it. She says she shouldn't have ever let Acorn go in the first place and the thought of her in a cage at the SPCA is too much for her to even think about.
The Girl is sure a sap. But at least that makes her a soft touch when I'm trying to get something from her.
That sure am a wicked cute kitty! I hope she has a forever home now like me! :) Momma loves me so much that sometimes her friends say she spoils me. There's no such word in my vocabulary...
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