Monday Morning Bringdown

Well. The Girl is apparently out of town for awhile. That means I stay inside all day long.
I am not amused.
Zephyr doesn't mind, of course. He's never been outside this house for more than a minute, and that one excursion was closely supervised. He doesn't seem to know what he's missing anyway. That's probably for the best. A simple lad like Zeph could get eaten alive out in the real world. Literally. It makes me sad to even think of that possibility. . . he's better off staying inside. I mean, if we were outside and some neighbourhood toughs tried to start a rumble, I'd protect him and all. But what if he got jumped when I was napping in a neighbour's garden and I didn't hear him calling me (Zephyr's roar sounds like this: "meep")? You're best off as an indoor cat, brother.
As for me, I'm going to let my anger and resentment fester for just a bit, and we'll see where that takes me.
Momma likes that picture very much. I'm sorry you're stuck inside but know what? I bet they'll let you out when they come home! And then you can make up for lost time.
Oh Mu, you'll be fine inside. Just take some long naps in the cat bed and I'll be home before you know it!
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