This is Moxie. I HATE MOXIE SO MUCH. She lives in the house behind ours and she should just stay where I can never see her and things would be a lot better. Sometimes we both sit in our upstairs windows and just glare at each other. Sometimes she sits on our back fence like this just to torment me and she's always trying to get to the warm shed roof in our mutual neighbours yard before me so that she can claim that sun-warmed spot before I do. Occasionally she even makes her way into MY VERY OWN YARD and poops in our flowerbeds. That's just too much to bear! Luckily she's a huge, slow cat and she's not interested in fighting, so it never gets beyond staring contests and a little growling. Don't think I couldn't take her - I could...I just don't want to. Zephyr thinks Moxie looks interesting. If he were let out he'd probably PLAY with her. Zephyr just doesn't really get this whole "being a cat" thing.
At our old house, the neighbor cat, Alex, was horrible! He knew we weren't allowed outside, so he would stroll past our open window and flop down on his side in the yard. ALL I COULD DO WAS STARE AT HIM AND GROWL THROUGH THE SCREEN!
One day, he threw himself against the screen to try and scare me. I was furious! I yelled to Brach, "HOLD ME BACK!! HOLD ME BACK OR SOMEONE IS GETTING HURT!!" But Brach just continued napping and Mom claimed all she heard me say was "RRRROOOOOOOOUW...HISSSSSSSS!"
Whatever. I would have taken that big tom-cat down!
Maybe he's actually one of your admirers and he wants an autograph. But he could be a stalker. You should hire some bodyguards. We don't think Zephyr would be capable.
Mussette, Boy, do we understand. We DETEST the other cats who DARE to come into our yard or sit on our fence. Turtle has also been known to growl at people who trespass across the front yard (although Nala and I don't care so much - anything for entertainment... EXCEPT other cats in our yard, that is...).
Thanks for your comment about my beautiful tail. I am most proud of it... I just can't help it.
i agree, I HATE it when other kitties who don't belong come in my yard. i just have to 'member not to spray inside the house or i'll be in deep doo doo. the picture,by the way, looks really cool. is that a fence??
Magoo has that same problem. Strange neighbor cat comes by and taunts him. He gets upset, he sprays the window and then he goes and pees on his mom's laundry.
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.
I think she looks interesting too, but pooping in your flower bed is just wrong! Maybe you could come to an understanding.
At our old house, the neighbor cat, Alex, was horrible! He knew we weren't allowed outside, so he would stroll past our open window and flop down on his side in the yard. ALL I COULD DO WAS STARE AT HIM AND GROWL THROUGH THE SCREEN!
One day, he threw himself against the screen to try and scare me. I was furious! I yelled to Brach, "HOLD ME BACK!! HOLD ME BACK OR SOMEONE IS GETTING HURT!!" But Brach just continued napping and Mom claimed all she heard me say was "RRRROOOOOOOOUW...HISSSSSSSS!"
Whatever. I would have taken that big tom-cat down!
Alex doesn't know how lucky he was that he never had to face your wrath!
Maybe he's actually one of your admirers and he wants an autograph. But he could be a stalker. You should hire some bodyguards. We don't think Zephyr would be capable.
Sitting on your fence and glaring is one thing, but using your flowerbed for her litterbox is another. Maybe you could have a word with here mother?
Boy, do we understand. We DETEST the other cats who DARE to come into our yard or sit on our fence. Turtle has also been known to growl at people who trespass across the front yard (although Nala and I don't care so much - anything for entertainment... EXCEPT other cats in our yard, that is...).
Thanks for your comment about my beautiful tail. I am most proud of it... I just can't help it.
i agree, I HATE it when other kitties who don't belong come in my yard. i just have to 'member not to spray inside the house or i'll be in deep doo doo. the picture,by the way, looks really cool. is that a fence??
Magoo has that same problem. Strange neighbor cat comes by and taunts him. He gets upset, he sprays the window and then he goes and pees on his mom's laundry.
Moxie is sitting on a Japanese-style screen that her owner put up to extend the fence and his privacy. And for Moxie to sit on.
As for Moxie being a stalker? I wouldn't put it past her!
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