Christmas Wrapped-Up

So how was Christmas at the home of the Empress, you ask? Just fabulous, thanks very much! Santa filled most of my requests (I guess the monkey's on order for next year), and Zephyr and I have enjoyed playing with our many new mousies and the big spider on the string with bells at the ends of its legs. We also received some nice treats and I managed to sample some delectable goat cheese over the weekend. Simply divine!
Our big present was a leopard-print kitty cave, a black-lined tunnel that's soft and comfy and just the right size to hide or rest in. We've been enjoying it at those times when we need to escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, if only for a moment.

I had a shock a couple days ago when I heard some horrifying sounds that made me think somebody was torturing poor Zephyr. I ran into the living room only to see The Can Opener had commenced learning to play the guitar he received for Christmas. Something tells me that things are going to get much worse before they get better, when it comes to that lousy thing.
Christmas is long over, but Zephyr still enjoys laying under the tree. He's going to miss it when it's gone. Not me, though. When the tree's disposed of, he can go back to being his usual unphotogenic self, and I can once again assume my position as the cat that gets photographed the most.

um, where are you? why are there no photos of your lovely self??
I guess I was a little camera-shy over the holidays. Or Zephyr was hogging the limelight. . . I'll put him in his place.
Well, Zephyr does you credit. I am sure his photogenic abilities are the result of your careful tutoring.
Happy holidays to all!
Coming from the most suave poser (not "poseur") in kitty-blogdom, that's nice of you to say, GK.
LOVE THAT KITTY CAVE!!! Find out where it came from and let us know...maybe we can sneak moms card & order it on the internet.
Happy New Year Musette, Zephyr and your Fleshies. Hope 2006 brings you everything you dream of.
I think you are both equally photogenic, and should therefore get equal photo time...but it is YOUR blog. Maybe he should start his OWN blog?! Awesome gifts! Love the kitty cube! Can you break the strings on the guitar or sit on them if the human tries to play AND sing?
Zephyr getting his own blog? A good idea - if only he had something to say. He doesn't have as many strong opinions as me. "Go with the flow" - that's his philosophy. We're two very different felines.
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