What cat wouldn't want these?

I guess it's time to start working on my Christmas list. I wonder if I should add "monkey that can fit in a teacup" to my list? I'd love my very own monkey! I hear they're delicious.
A pet dog, on the other hand, would be very handy to have around the house. I could order him to do all the things I don't feel like doing. Sometimes it seems I'm giving judgemental looks 24 hours a day. If there's a dog that can be trained to give judgemental looks, then I deserve to own that dog. Think of how much time I could devote to my other projects!
Maybe I'll send away the coupon from this ad. I'm sure there's no catch.
We adore your web blog Musette. And what a smashing advert! I'm sending away for one of each as we speak ( I hope EU customs doesn't get all mafted!). I can hardly wait to dress the miniature monkey in a teeny - tiny cowboy outfit and have him ride the miniature dog around our house. Our three British Shorthair's - Winnie the Blue ( Winnie ), Ravenswing ( Ravi) and Vivatonk Divinity ( Viv ) simply would be caught dead mucking about in a such a manner. Stuck up old moggies if you ask me. Best wishes with the endevour, we'll be checking back often. Cheers!
HEHE! I want the monkey...who needs a woofie?!?! (That one above me talks funny! HAHAHA. Oh, sorry!)
Blimey, Fiona, I 'ad to look up 'alf yer words on the ol' internet just to figger out wot ye were on about!
Love those Brits!
Homer Simpson had a "helper monkey" in one of the shows we watched with the boy. But then the monkey got lazy & just sat on the couch & drank beer with Homer. I told mom to just stick with guinea pigs. -Scooby
Yes, Homer's monkey was named Mojo. I might name mine Mojo. But a monkey by any other name tastes just as succulent.
i smelled a monkey once and it was weird. you might want to think twice 'about gettin' one. maybe a cute little ferrett
Well, if we all got helper monkeys they could get us treats and open cans of stinky goodness for us.......and give us belly rubs.
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