
Zephyr hasn't been so good. Last night after the peeps and I went to bed Zeph stayed up and undecorated the bottom half of the Christmas tree. The garland went all the way to the front door and there were FIVE ornaments off the tree, including some very breakable ones! He chewed the plastic hanger off of one of the ornaments and we're assuming he ate it. I think I need to amend my letter to Santa after this...

Dearest Santa,
As you know I have been a FABULOUS kitty this year and am looking forward to some fine presents from you tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know that IT WASN'T ME! I was snuggling with the girl in bed while all that tree undecorating was going on. I would like some gourmet wet food ('cause I deserve it), some kitty treats, a mousie with a tail, something leopard-print, a tiny monkey and anything else a great cat like me deserves. With Zephyr, use your own judgment...
You're the best, Santa.
Lots of Sandpaper Kisses,
Merry Christmas Musette and Zephyr. Glad you were upstairs snuggling Musette!
Merry Christmas. Zephyr sounds like a fun kitty to have around. It wouldn't be Christmas if the kitty didn't mess with the tree at least once!
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