This used to be my favourite spot in the garden, and I still like that spot a lot, but my NEW favourite spot is this one. The fleshies piled up some old stepping stones and a big piece of driftwood in the corner under the lilac. They want to use them soon for some silly "project" but I want them to stay just exactly where they are. It's perfect for claw sharpening, rolling around, bird watching and napping. I can even watch the action from this spot when the Door Opener mows the lawn. I'm far enough away for it to be safe and not too noisy, but close enough to see everything that happens. I love it when the girl mows the lawn because all the robins in the neighbourhood come to perch on the fence and snack on the bugs that she stirs up. And we all know how much affection I have for robins. Ohhhh...especially the sweet and tender baby robins. Oh how I want to take them all back to my special spot and...cuddle...them.
I'm so glad that the sun is shining and my peeps are finally starting to perk up! The last couple of weeks things were pretty weird around the House of Musette. The girl was really sick and sad and the boy was worried about the girl and sad too. The Door Opener spent all day every day on the couch and she even complained about me wanting to go in and out and in and out and in and out. Usually she doesn't complain at all and just does my bidding all day (as she should). I tried to make the girl feel a bit better by spending a lot of time snuggling her on the couch - even Zephyr got in on it a few times and he's NOT a snuggler. I know what it's like to be sick...not fun. Those fleshies suspect that we both just really like to nap on the supersoft and cozy blankie that the girl likes when she's not well, but was all about the love! So now the Door Opener is off the couch and we've all been out in the garden doing some serious work. The sun feels great and it's good for me to be helpful! I don't know how they'd ever get anything done out there without me!
Yes, today is the one-year anniversary of my blog's first post. And what a fabulous year it's been, my friends. 163 posts and a whole heap of fun. Many thanks to those who've made "Musette, Empress of the Universe" so special. Namely, ME and occasionally Zephyr.
But thanks also go to you, dearest readers! It wouldn't be the same if I knew nobody was reading (though I'd still probably do this anyway. My posts would simply be a whole lot angrier).
For you latecomers, here's just a taste of of what you've missed in the past year (other than the glorious photographs - and let me tell you, there's some real treasures in the archives, if I do say so myself).
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.