The table in the studio is THE best place in the house to nap. It's almost always nice and warm with a big spot of sunshine to relax in, it's often covered with warm and comfy things to sleep on and it freaks the peeps out because they think I'm going to hurt myself on their "stuff". Ha. I just want to snooze in the sun. Pathetic worrying fleshies. I have no interest in your pins and needles and assorted pokeables and chokeables. Just let an Empress sleep where an Empress wants to sleep! Nowhere should be off-limits to me! Sometimes I win though and they forget to lock that door and if I can manage to look cute enough then they don't lift me down and show me the door immediately. I've been working on my sweet and innocent, oh-so-cute face for years now and my fleshies fall for it again and again. Stupid fleshies.
The cute and innocent look helps me get away with everything! Last night, I even spilled Mom's drink from the table (trying to drink from it myself) and I didn't even get in trouble!
Once you master the cute fact, it's smooth sailing...
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.
You definitely look cute and innocent. Mom says I never look innocent (though I do look cute, and it does go a long way).
~ moose
The cute and innocent look helps me get away with everything! Last night, I even spilled Mom's drink from the table (trying to drink from it myself) and I didn't even get in trouble!
Once you master the cute fact, it's smooth sailing...
Yes, cute and innocent triumphs again. Works every time.
ooh, what's that thing you're layin' on, it looks pretty?
I find that, if I'm careful and don't make a mess, I can lay anywhere I want to and get away with it. So, if you're good maybe you can stay too.
Being cute lets you get away with almost anything. Add innocent and you've got it made!!
Anyone would fall for that look. Nice work Musette!
Yes, I know the feeling, being a Queen......I practice the sweet, innocent loving looks, gets them everytime.
My Cat Couch complains because we sleep on her sewing machine table when it's sunny.
Or even when it's not.
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