This is Zephyr. You all know Zephyr - he's my fur brother. I wanted to name him Lonny or maybe Percy or even Ed, but the girl wanted to call him Zephyr long before she even knew him. The boy decided he'd better agree to name the cat Zephyr or she might decide she wanted to use it for a miniature human instead someday. It's cruel enough for a cat name, I think. Anyway, to get to my point, whenever I spellcheck a post, it doesn't think Zephyr is a word. It suggests I change Zephyr to Zipper. Ha! Now that's funny! Zephyr is one of the least zippy cats in the universe. He has perfected the art and science of relaxation and he does it better than any feline I know (yours truly included). He naps. He snoozes. He lounges. He sleeps. He rests. He nods off. He meditates. He drowses. He gets some shut-eye. He slumbers. He dozes. He has siestas. He goes into trance-like states. He has much quality leisure time with the cat bed. But very very rarely does he ZIP.
You're right - he doesn't look very zippy at all. But does he look zephyr?? Who can tell. I do like Ed. But it's not as good as Moose, which Mom says is manly. Like me.
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.
You're right - he doesn't look very zippy at all. But does he look zephyr?? Who can tell. I do like Ed. But it's not as good as Moose, which Mom says is manly. Like me.
~ moose
Sounds like he's got that relaxin' thing down pat.
Ohh, but zephyr is a real word. It means "a gentle breeze." So I thinks his names fits him just find, soft, gentle.
He must be happy about his nap, cause he looks like he's smiling. I'd be happy too if I was having that good of a nap.
I think Zephyr has the prettiest cat face I've ever seen (aside from you and I, Musette).
Plus, I adore a lazy boy's not like he has chores to do around the house. Now, HUMAN LAZY MEN? That's another story entirely!
You'll turn Zephyr's head with comments like that - we think he's a handsome fellow, but he's not used to the compliments!
Lazy human men? Oh, you mean like the Can Opener. Yep, I know what they're like.
I feel sleepy just looking at him.
Me, I would have called him Lonny.
We think only kittens ZIP. Adult cats don't have enough energy to zip anymore.
I zip on occasion, but a maximum of about one or two minutes once a day is about all I can handle.
hey, you got a sheepskin, i've been wantin' one o' those for a long time! is it soft and nice??
Zephyr loves that furry white pillow! He thinks it's another member of the family. He spends more time grooming it than he does me.
He's just an easy going fella! I thing Ory would be good since he's orange (and white).
Zephyr is very handsome, and I'm not just saying that because he is the same colours as me - ginger and white kitties rock!
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