I tried my best, but it was all in vain, I just couldn't stop them from closing up the suitcase and getting in the car. The peeps left Zephyr and I ALONE for a whole 39 1/2 hours. Somebody (I won't say who) showed them how they felt about it by peeing on the bathmat. I'm not saying I endorse this type of behaviour, but I do agree that SOMETHING needed to be done to let those fleshies know how much we don't like it when they leave. Sure sure, they leave us with lots of food and water and clean litter and all the other so-called necessities of life, but what of body heat in bed? Head scritches when we need them? Blanket covered legs? The fireplace?
When they came back I really wanted to snub them to teach them a lesson, but I couldn't resist the girl's lap. Next time I won't be so weak.
This is Moxie. I HATE MOXIE SO MUCH. She lives in the house behind ours and she should just stay where I can never see her and things would be a lot better. Sometimes we both sit in our upstairs windows and just glare at each other. Sometimes she sits on our back fence like this just to torment me and she's always trying to get to the warm shed roof in our mutual neighbours yard before me so that she can claim that sun-warmed spot before I do. Occasionally she even makes her way into MY VERY OWN YARD and poops in our flowerbeds. That's just too much to bear! Luckily she's a huge, slow cat and she's not interested in fighting, so it never gets beyond staring contests and a little growling. Don't think I couldn't take her - I could...I just don't want to. Zephyr thinks Moxie looks interesting. If he were let out he'd probably PLAY with her. Zephyr just doesn't really get this whole "being a cat" thing.
Can't get enough of the pictures of yours truly (and sometimes Zephyr)? Just for you, my faithful readers, I've created a photo page at flickr, so you can admire my loveliness as much as you want to (which I know is A LOT). What are you waiting for - click over there in the sidebar and get started oohing and aaahing!
My life is soooooooooooooooo boring right now. I need spring to come NOW because I'm tired of being wet and cold. The Door Opener heard on the news that it has rained here every single day since December 18th. That's TWENTY-SEVEN days for those of you whose walnut-sized brains can't or won't do that math. I'm pretty mad about it and wish I knew who I could hiss at to make the sun come out. For awhile I suspected the fleshies, but now that I see that they're pretty crabby about the rain too, maybe I have to look further afield for the culprit. The Girl wanted to take a picture of me yesterday when I came in all soaking wet with my fur sticking up all over but I wouldn't let her. How undignified! You'd much rather see me well-groomed and looking glamourous, wouldn't you?
I've never been a huge fan of Garfield, though I have previously noted the resemblance between "America's favorite cartoon cat" and my favourite fur brother. But somehow I find the Garfield Randomizer even more funny than the daily strip. Is it just me?
I know how doors work, now if only I could get these beautiful but sometimes less-than-functional paws of mine to turn that knob! Then I wouldn't have to rely on the Door Opener to let me in and out and in and out and in and out as many times as I want to. Mostly she does a tolerable job, but I do tend to get some bad attitude from her sometimes. She thinks she was put on this earth to be something more than a cat servant, but I whole-heartedly disagree. She is here to open the door, keep my water bowl full, adore me and be a good source of heat when I'm cold and that's all!
Better late than never, we say. Just when the peeps were thinking we went another year without getting them a Christmas present, the two of us decided to spend a couple of hours curled up on the blanketed legs of the Door Opener while she watched the television. Now, I do this on occasion, but it's not Zephyr's thing AT ALL (I had to talk him into it), so a double-kitty snuggle was most appreciated.
The Empress wishes all her faithful readers and friends the happiest of new years! As for Zephyr and me, our resolution is to spend more time in the cat bed by the window. We're off to a good start.
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.