Associated Press, June 27, 2006: In Stockholm, Sweden at eight o'clock in the morning, a drunk Axl Rose "allegedly" bit the leg of a security guard who confronted him while he was arguing with a woman.
Associated Puss, June 25, 2006: In our yard, at midnight, a temporarily insane Zephyr, having escaped from the house and rendered berzerk from fear and confusion, bit his two favourite fleshies several times on the hands and arms while they tried to capture him and return him to his home. Powerful antibiotics have reduced the dangerous swelling and infection that resulted from this.
Have you ever seen the movie My Neighbor Totoro? My fleshies really really like this movie. The think it's charming and lovely and sweet and well made and all that. I don't care much for the television in general, and the movie is in Japanese with subtitles and I can't read, so the only part I'm really into is the Nekobus (that's Catbus to you and I). So very cool. It's a cat. And it's a bus. What more could you want?
Yep, that's right folks, our very own Zephyr turns the big TWO today. You can see by the picture how he chose to celebrate. As for myself I'd pick a gigantic fun-and-treat-and-special-guest filled party, but he's more for zoning out in the catbed. Whatever the Zeph wants on his birthday, the Zeph gets. We're all just glad he's feeling better... It's been a total pukefest around here for awhile. I'm feeling fine, but Zephyr was tossing his kibble a couple of times every day and even had to go see the nice Vet and have some not-so-nice pills hidden in some tuna juice. Like every good feline he seemed instinctually drawn to the white carpet in the living room. Good boy! It was fun to watch the girl scrubbing the carpet and muttering to herself. We were all worried about him though and are glad he's back to as normal as that cat ever gets. Even though I growl and hiss at him every single day, I'd miss him if he was gone. There's no one better for snuggling, he's fun to play with, he's good at sharing (I am NOT) and he never takes any of my moods personally.
Come close my friends, I want to tell you a secret. Now don't tell anyone, but your Empress has a FRIEND. No, no, no, don't get carried away! I wouldn't describe him as my BOYFRIEND (like my peeps do when they're teasing me), but we are getting pretty friendly. And yes, this is coming from the cat who told you that she HATES ALL NON-FAMILY FELINES. This is a picture of him at our back door waiting for me to come out and play. Sometimes we even sing to each other if we're apart. We like to frolic in the long grass together and sleep under the bushes. Sometimes when my fleshies call me to come inside he's the first one to show up and he really thinks he'd like to be invited inside to have some pats from the humans, some treats and to check out all my good snoozing spots. Isn't he handsome? Doesn't he have a dashing red collar?
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.