Come close my friends, I want to tell you a secret. Now don't tell anyone, but your Empress has a FRIEND. No, no, no, don't get carried away! I wouldn't describe him as my BOYFRIEND (like my peeps do when they're teasing me), but we are getting pretty friendly. And yes, this is coming from the cat who told you that she HATES ALL NON-FAMILY FELINES. This is a picture of him at our back door waiting for me to come out and play. Sometimes we even sing to each other if we're apart. We like to frolic in the long grass together and sleep under the bushes. Sometimes when my fleshies call me to come inside he's the first one to show up and he really thinks he'd like to be invited inside to have some pats from the humans, some treats and to check out all my good snoozing spots. Isn't he handsome? Doesn't he have a dashing red collar?
Musette...he is definitely a good looking guy. Now, tell me EVERYTHING! What's his name? Does he live near you? Can you reveal your future plans together? Most importantly, does he have a brother for me!
I'll admit it, something about those big ol' tomcats really does it for me. If they have a good personality, that is. I'm not sure how I feel about him being allowed inside. It's too early in the relationship. Plus, the peeps would never let him in under any circumstances.
Nobody knows his name yet. He's a mystery man. We aren't even sure how of where he lives or how far he travels to come see ME!
Well they do say that gray and white kitties are the most handsome. Seriously it's not just me and my Mom saying that... they all say it I'm sure. Anyway, it's wonderful that you have another friend besdies Zephyr. Sounds like a great guy!
What does Zephyr say when you go hang out with this strange, elusive tomcat? Are you really swayed by the alurement of a red collar? Is that as deep as you look when it comes to tomcats?
It's not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside that counts.
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.
Musette's got a boyfriend! Musette's got a boyfriend!
Hey, let him inside! You can watch TV together, or have a crunchy snack together!
As a feminine feline with an extensive Tomcat Stable, let me assure you that there is nothing wrong or shameful about having a boyfriend.
Plus, he's really attractive!
And, that red collar is to die for!
Also, who can resist a Tomcat who will sing duets with you?
Musette...he is definitely a good looking guy. Now, tell me EVERYTHING! What's his name? Does he live near you? Can you reveal your future plans together? Most importantly, does he have a brother for me!
I'll admit it, something about those big ol' tomcats really does it for me. If they have a good personality, that is. I'm not sure how I feel about him being allowed inside. It's too early in the relationship. Plus, the peeps would never let him in under any circumstances.
Nobody knows his name yet. He's a mystery man. We aren't even sure how of where he lives or how far he travels to come see ME!
This could be the start of a beautiful...........friendship? He's very good-lookin'.
VERY good looking, indeed. ME-OW!
~Meg (The Guyzos)
Musette, he's purrrrty handsome. He looks like he'd make a very good "friend" (wink wink).
~ turtle
Well they do say that gray and white kitties are the most handsome. Seriously it's not just me and my Mom saying that... they all say it I'm sure. Anyway, it's wonderful that you have another friend besdies Zephyr. Sounds like a great guy!
What does Zephyr say when you go hang out with this strange, elusive tomcat? Are you really swayed by the alurement of a red collar? Is that as deep as you look when it comes to tomcats?
It's not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside that counts.
Poor Zephyr...
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