So what's the Empress been up to, you ask? This is what I've been up to. As long as The Door Opener has a pair of legs and a blanket, I'll have a place to nap.
At least until summer comes. Then she's too hot for me.
The table in the studio is THE best place in the house to nap. It's almost always nice and warm with a big spot of sunshine to relax in, it's often covered with warm and comfy things to sleep on and it freaks the peeps out because they think I'm going to hurt myself on their "stuff". Ha. I just want to snooze in the sun. Pathetic worrying fleshies. I have no interest in your pins and needles and assorted pokeables and chokeables. Just let an Empress sleep where an Empress wants to sleep! Nowhere should be off-limits to me! Sometimes I win though and they forget to lock that door and if I can manage to look cute enough then they don't lift me down and show me the door immediately. I've been working on my sweet and innocent, oh-so-cute face for years now and my fleshies fall for it again and again. Stupid fleshies.
This weekend the peeps celebrated the time one year ago when they went to Mexico for two weeks and left us home alone. Well, we weren't really alone, we had Uncle Glen to feed us, play with us, give us scritches and sleep with us at night and he did a fine job, but I don't know why the peeps would want to celebrate the anniversary of when they abandoned us so they could go have fun. Oh...I suppose it could also have something to do with the fact that they got married then too. But I wasn't invited so I'm not going to celebrate. The boy bought the girl lilies and ginger and I REALLY want to sniff them, but every time I jump up there I get shooed away and when they go out or go to bed they lock the flowers up. I just want to smell that heavenly smell! Just because every other flower or plant that has come into this house I've considered a salad bar, doesn't mean this time will be the same.
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.