Well, Zeph and I had our yearly trip to the nice Vet today to have our check-ups and get our shots. This is a picture of us on the way home - Zephyr didn't feel like having his picture taken. I was a VERY good girl. I got in the carrier without a fuss (Zephyr braced himself and made it hard for the peeps to get him in). I didn't cry in the car (Zephyr sounded like he was being tortured). I even licked the Vet and laid down on the table for some belly-rubs (Zephyr cried some more and then hid his face in the Door Opener's elbow). I thought it was a pretty fun adventure all in all (although the shot part wasn't all that pleasant), but Zephyr really likes his routine, so he was really sad to have to leave the cat bed. The Vet declared us both just the right weight. I can't believe she thinks that behemoth is "just right". After the Vet we even got to ride in the car to pick up Uncle Glen and then I got to help him and the Can Opener shingle the house all afternoon. BIG FUN. They couldn't have done it without me!
whoa, i'm impressed that you know how to shingle a house! we need new kitchen windows, do you know how to do those?? glad your vet visit went well. i hate going to the vet, i always get scared.
Me and my sister, Meg just had our annual check up too and it sounds like we had very similar experiences. I think we all need to find drs that still make house call. That would be so much easier.
Oh, if you need any home renovations done, I'm an excellent supervisor! I make sure the job gets done safely and on time, with only minimal breaks for pats and tummy rubs.
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.
Congratulations on a sucessful check up and thumbs up to you for a good job supervision the shingling!!!
whoa, i'm impressed that you know how to shingle a house! we need new kitchen windows, do you know how to do those?? glad your vet visit went well. i hate going to the vet, i always get scared.
Me and my sister, Meg just had our annual check up too and it sounds like we had very similar experiences. I think we all need to find drs that still make house call. That would be so much easier.
Oh, if you need any home renovations done, I'm an excellent supervisor! I make sure the job gets done safely and on time, with only minimal breaks for pats and tummy rubs.
Congratulations on a good report and helping with shningling! I am like Zephyr went I go to the vet but I am glad you had a good experience!
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