So there I found myself in what I hoped was my happy new home. I LIKED it there - lots of snuggling (I was a very SNUGGLY kitten) lots of playing (I was a CRAZYCRAZY kitten) and lots of food (I was a HUNGRY kitten). My peeps think that maybe I didn't get fed at my first house because I would steal and hide food any chance I got and I would eat ANYTHING. That first Halloween I even stole and ate all the guts out of the pumpkin! I would cry and cry when the fleshies were having human food or when they were cooking. It took me awhile, but I learned that the bowl is always full of delicious crunchies and that the can arrives every morning, so I never have to stoop as low as eating VEGETABLES to keep my belly full. My fleshies wondered a lot about my first home and they had some guesses about it. I was found right across the street from a big park with woods and they think it's possible that someone left me in those woods. How terrible! I hope if they left my brothers and sisters there too that all of them found happy homes. I can hardly bear to think about it! The girl human went and looked around the park thinking that I might not have been alone there, but she didn't find anything. They also think that maybe I could have come from a house near where I was found that always has LOTS of new kittens every year and cats all over the place. Maybe they knew I was gone but they were glad to be rid of me. My peeps knew that in my first house I spent a lot of time around people, because I wasn't afraid of anything and I knew all about how kitchens were where the food came from, that human laps were good for pats and that in the bed snuggled into the neck or between the knees of the girl was the perfect place to spend the night. However I came to find myself on that busy street, no one seemed to be looking for me. The posters were up all over the neighbourhood, the SPCA and the City Pound both had my description, but nobody was calling. The peeps said that they weren't getting attached to me at all. They wouldn't even give me a name. They just called me "Kitty" or "Baby" or "That Insane Kitten". They decided to give it 10 days and if I hadn't found my home they would "think" about keeping me forever. Who were they kidding? They were TOTALLY in love with me almost right away and couldn't help but get attached. As the 10 days crawled by, they even began to hope that nobody was crying over me and when the phone rang they always looked a little worried...
Oh wow! This is such a touching story! I'm glad they checked the park for other siblings just in case! 10 days must be a majic number because that is how many days it was when I officially became mom's. Can't wait for the next segment. (Cute pics)
lovely kitten picture. oh, you ate pumpkin guts. you must have been really hungry at some point, just like a lot of us were. we're all so lucky now....
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.
Oh wow! This is such a touching story! I'm glad they checked the park for other siblings just in case! 10 days must be a majic number because that is how many days it was when I officially became mom's. Can't wait for the next segment. (Cute pics)
Musette you have such cute baby pictures. That's interesting how you would horde food.
lovely kitten picture. oh, you ate pumpkin guts. you must have been really hungry at some point, just like a lot of us were. we're all so lucky now....
The only thing better than these cute kitten photos would be MORE cute kitten photos!
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