How I Found My Home: Conclusion
I had definitely found my home-for-life, and I had received my first thorough veterinary examination. The Can Opener had gone around the neighbourhood and torn down the “We Found A Kitty” signs that hadn’t already been removed or covered up. The only thing that was left was a name. Though only a (relatively) small kitten, I had already established my regal manner. All who gazed upon me were in awe of my magnificence. What name to bestow on an Empress?
The peeps made a list. This list of two-dozen names came from all manner of sources and inspirations. Days went by without a decision. The lists were updated, ordered by preference and discussed at length.They weighed the pros and cons of each name. “What do you think of Esmerelda?” “I’m not sure. Let’s call her that for the next hour and see how it feels.”
I was not an Esmerelda. Or a Jinx. Or a Suzy Lee. Or a Mignon. Or a Zephyr ('cause that's a boys name!) Or any of the many other names they considered.
Finally and thankfully, I was deemed to be Musette. It was the Can Openers favourite and it just seemed to suit me so well. Why Musette? Well, one of its meanings is a lovely but rather meloncholy form of French accordion music. If you think about Paris, the only soundtrack you can possibly have in your head is musette. And if there’s one thing the Door Opener likes, it’s accordion music. She thinks she'd like to have an accordian and learn how to play it, but we cats think that's a BAD IDEA. Mostly I think she just wants one becaue she thinks she'd look "cool" holding it. Silly humans. And the name Musette has connotations of class and elegance even if you don't know what it means. The peeps took a big long trip to Paris before they met me and they have an appreciation for all things French. Enough said. Plus, it’s got the “Mew” sound that I’ve been known to make on occasion. But you had already figured that part out, hadn’t you, dear reader? You’re a smart one, you are. There is also a Mewsette who I have some connection with too - maybe I'll write another post about her soon...
Well, I suppose that’s it. A home, a name, a bowl-full of kibble always sitting in my corner of the kitchen. My needs are few. Life is good.
There’s more I could write about - like how I came to love the outside again (after my previous scary experiences). And of course I could write a book about the tumultuous time Zephyr came to live with us. But I’ll leave that for another occasion. I have the feeling the recent mild weather is almost over, so I’m going to make the best of the nice days we’ve been having and head outside.
The peeps made a list. This list of two-dozen names came from all manner of sources and inspirations. Days went by without a decision. The lists were updated, ordered by preference and discussed at length.They weighed the pros and cons of each name. “What do you think of Esmerelda?” “I’m not sure. Let’s call her that for the next hour and see how it feels.”
I was not an Esmerelda. Or a Jinx. Or a Suzy Lee. Or a Mignon. Or a Zephyr ('cause that's a boys name!) Or any of the many other names they considered.

Well, I suppose that’s it. A home, a name, a bowl-full of kibble always sitting in my corner of the kitchen. My needs are few. Life is good.
There’s more I could write about - like how I came to love the outside again (after my previous scary experiences). And of course I could write a book about the tumultuous time Zephyr came to live with us. But I’ll leave that for another occasion. I have the feeling the recent mild weather is almost over, so I’m going to make the best of the nice days we’ve been having and head outside.
So that's how you got your name! It fits you nicely. Up here in Norweigian Land the only accordian music you hear is polka's. Way different than lovely French music! You have so many neat things to write about, keep it up.
happy endings are so good. we are lucky poodins to have landed in such good places.
AWWWW!! Such a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing it with us. I love happy endings! (sniffle, sniffle)
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