Not too much to blog about these days. I'm mostly just doing lots of hanging around the house and getting outside in between rain showers. I did hear a rumour that I might not be allowed out AT ALL this weekend. Something about that bizarre knocking-on-doors-and-begging festival that they have every October. The peeps say that bad things happen to good cats around Halloween sometimes, so they'd like me to stay home and be safe. I'm sure I'll complain about it (a lot) but I know that it's best for me. If I COULD go out though I think I would go trick-or-treating and see if I could get myself a giant bag full of cheese. Mmmmm....cheeeeeese. It's the best treat in the world. And who could resist a sweet face like this? I wouldn't even need a costume. Although a teeny tiara would be nice...
I love those deep eyes! You are wise to realize it's for your own good to stay in. Mom also has said that if the weather is nice I can go out on my leash during the day, but then I have to stay in and out of sight while those door knocker, candy snatchers are out. She said it's so nothing bad will happen to me and 'cause she loves me so much!
Yeah, the People want to keep Buddah away from the windows even (If that's possible) until next week. He's all black, and there's some nutjobs out there who like to hurt black kitties this time of year.
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.
Musette you are gorgeous! We love that little pink nose!
my Mom said i can go out in the day this weekend, as long as i promise to stay in the yard (yeah, sure)
I love those deep eyes! You are wise to realize it's for your own good to stay in. Mom also has said that if the weather is nice I can go out on my leash during the day, but then I have to stay in and out of sight while those door knocker, candy snatchers are out. She said it's so nothing bad will happen to me and 'cause she loves me so much!
Yeah, the People want to keep Buddah away from the windows even (If that's possible) until next week. He's all black, and there's some nutjobs out there who like to hurt black kitties this time of year.
Yes, all-black cats can have a hard time of it. Some say they're the hardest cats for animal shelters to adopt out.
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