Thursday, June 30, 2005
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
My Peeps are Crazy

Fleshies are strange, strange creatures. The girl was bored, so instead of doing something sensible like taking a long nap in a nice sunny spot, she made this bizarre monkey-like creature out of those silly things they wear on their feet - socks, you know? Hence a "Sock Monkey". She thinks it's pretty cute and the boy even CUDDLED it a little bit last night. Pretty creepy, if you ask me.
I'm NEVER bored. It takes intense time-management skills to take care of all my projects and do my outside rounds and still get in my required 18 hours of sleep per day.
Looking at that monkey is making me hungry. I bet monkeys taste REALLY good.
Monday, June 27, 2005
The Project Completed!

Yay! It's a new big comfy catbed just for ME! I SO deserve that! The Can Opener and The Uncle and I worked really hard on it and here it is, ready for me to lounge about in. The next thing they're going to add to the deck is some pots of flowers. So thoughtful of the fleshies to add a salad bar for me.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Sweet release!
I'm pleased to report the hippie-girls have departed, apparently for good. What caused their departure? Perhaps a re-united Grateful Dead concert is transpiring nearby, but I prefer to believe it was my glaring. Now I can get outside and make my rounds.
Also, I hear rumours that (now that it's finally painted) there's a project planned for the back deck. Ooh, perhaps I can help. I'm a good helper!
Also, I hear rumours that (now that it's finally painted) there's a project planned for the back deck. Ooh, perhaps I can help. I'm a good helper!
Friday, June 24, 2005
Stuck inside again
All I can do is glare from the window at the camper with the dog in it. I'm thinking if I glare hard enough, the camper will leave. Apparent acquaintances of people across the street, they spent the night out there on the street, which (despite contravening city ordinances) doesn't matter to me because, as you know, I'm currently barred from night-time excursions to enjoy the great outdoors. While the UN investigates this violation of basic feline rights, I have to content myself with rolling in gravel heated by the sun. But not today! As long as that dog is able to get away from the girls and run into our yard, the peeps don't feel I should be outside. I guess they're concerned for the dog's safety.
I'm glaring at you, hippie girls. And your little doggie too!
I'm glaring at you, hippie girls. And your little doggie too!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Bladder-Crushing Update
As promised, here's the update on my success in waking the Fleshies at dawn so they could let me out for some cool early-morning fun.
Well, I keep sleeping in, so it hasn't happened yet.
But the weather hasn't been unbearable lately, so I spent more than six straight hours outside today. Sure, the peeps wanted me to come in, especially when those hippie-type girls in the camper parked in front of my house and acted like they were planning to live there for a week with their dog whom they allowed to run around leashless, even into my yard and once up the back stairs onto my deck (hard to believe, but it's all true!). But I kept my distance from the strange camper girls and their dog, as well as my peeps whenever they walked towards me like they were going to pick me up to take me in. I came inside when I was good and ready.
That's the way it should be.
Well, I keep sleeping in, so it hasn't happened yet.
But the weather hasn't been unbearable lately, so I spent more than six straight hours outside today. Sure, the peeps wanted me to come in, especially when those hippie-type girls in the camper parked in front of my house and acted like they were planning to live there for a week with their dog whom they allowed to run around leashless, even into my yard and once up the back stairs onto my deck (hard to believe, but it's all true!). But I kept my distance from the strange camper girls and their dog, as well as my peeps whenever they walked towards me like they were going to pick me up to take me in. I came inside when I was good and ready.
That's the way it should be.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Well my lovelies, summer has finally arrived and I'm none too pleased with it. I know it's only going to get hotter this summer, but today was plenty warm enough. It was so warm I didn't even feel like going outside and I just lounged all day in the blue chair. I'm not saying lounging all day in the blue chair is necessarily a BAD thing, but you know how much I like to go in and out and in and out and in and out. Of course as soon as the sun started to set I was ALL for going outside, but the Door Opener said no. She said that only cats looking for trouble are out at night and I can find enough trouble during the day, thank you very much! My Fleshies just don't understand me! When you wear fur all the time, frolicking in the sun can just be too much to take. A girl should be able to take some moonlight rambles if she feels like it! I tried to slip out when the girl went to water the garden, but I wasn't quite sneaky enough.
Tomorrow's Plan: I'll get up with the birds early in the morning and walk on the bladders of the pitiful humans and lick their noses until they get up out of bed and let me out to play in the cool morning dew! I'll let you know how it goes...
Tomorrow's Plan: I'll get up with the birds early in the morning and walk on the bladders of the pitiful humans and lick their noses until they get up out of bed and let me out to play in the cool morning dew! I'll let you know how it goes...
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
New Addition

I think this photo of the fur brother is HIL!AR!I!OUS!!! Zephyr is such a GOOBER. Sweet and all, but definitely a Goober. Not as pretty or photogenic as yours truly, the Empress. In this picture he's taking his turn checking out the new filing cabinet that the Can Opener and the Uncle brought home. The Door Opener is VERY excited about this filing cabinet and has been chirping about "No more piles!" for days now. We cats think it's a fine addition - another high place to hang out is never a bad thing.
Thanks for all your concern and good wishes about "the claw incident". Really folks, it was no big deal to me. The Peeps are STILL worked up about it though and the Door Opener is a little reluctant to let me out. She even tells me to "Be good" every time she opens the door. HA! Like I'm ever anything but STUPENDOUS, never mind "good".
Monday, June 13, 2005
I thought it made me look TOUGH
So here's what happened to get me into Trouble (note the capital letter).
On Saturday I went out unusually early because the girl couldn't sleep. It was a beautiful chirpy and twittery morning so I was really happy to head outside. When I wasn't seen at the door asking to come in for a really long time, the peeps started to wonder what was going on. I'm not going to tell you what happened out there, but suffice it to say that what happened had to happen, it wasn't all my fault and I may or may not have started it. So when I finally came in the peeps were pretty excitable. Why, you ask? Well, I had a claw (someone else's claw) hanging out of my cheek just a few hairs width away from my lovely green eye. The boy had to hold me while the girl pulled it out of my face. The claw wasn't bothering me at fact I think it made me look pretty darn cool and I was sorry to see it go.
On Saturday I went out unusually early because the girl couldn't sleep. It was a beautiful chirpy and twittery morning so I was really happy to head outside. When I wasn't seen at the door asking to come in for a really long time, the peeps started to wonder what was going on. I'm not going to tell you what happened out there, but suffice it to say that what happened had to happen, it wasn't all my fault and I may or may not have started it. So when I finally came in the peeps were pretty excitable. Why, you ask? Well, I had a claw (someone else's claw) hanging out of my cheek just a few hairs width away from my lovely green eye. The boy had to hold me while the girl pulled it out of my face. The claw wasn't bothering me at fact I think it made me look pretty darn cool and I was sorry to see it go.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Friday, June 10, 2005
Shame, Can Opener, Shame!
What a way to spend the night! The Can Opener and I went downstairs fairly late last evening; he to "sort stuff" (ie. play video games) and me to "help him" (ie. bat at Sonic The Hedgehog). After awhile, I went off to rest in another part of the basement. When he was done, he gave a cursory glance around the room and went upstairs, closing all those kitty-proof doors behind him. Memo to Can Opener: cursory glances aren't good enough.
Sure, I slept for most of the night. Sure, he came down and got me as soon as he awakened and, with no sign of me in the bedroom, allowed entry into his dim little brain the possibility that he'd committed a horrible crime. Sure, I purred and rubbed myself against him for a good five minutes after he let me out.
But, Can Opener, you know those moments when you're walking past me, and for no apparent reason, I hiss and punch your foot with my fist? And you exclaim, "Musette, what has gotten into you?"
Those are the moments when I'm thinking about things like last night.
Sure, I slept for most of the night. Sure, he came down and got me as soon as he awakened and, with no sign of me in the bedroom, allowed entry into his dim little brain the possibility that he'd committed a horrible crime. Sure, I purred and rubbed myself against him for a good five minutes after he let me out.
But, Can Opener, you know those moments when you're walking past me, and for no apparent reason, I hiss and punch your foot with my fist? And you exclaim, "Musette, what has gotten into you?"
Those are the moments when I'm thinking about things like last night.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Did I tell you that I really don't care for music? Well I don't. Well, maybe if it's REALLY quiet and nobody SINGS I can handle it, but today I've REALLY grown to hate it. Those peeps of mine bought a new cd and they're playing it again and again. Loudly. And they're singing along (it's so very awful...). Usually Zephyr and I just head upstairs to escape from it, but this afternoon I tried sitting right in front of the girl with a scrinched up face to let her know that I didn't like it and she should turn it off and go get me some cheese.
She didn't turn it off and she didn't get me cheese.
Sometimes I wonder why I put up with these humans.
She didn't turn it off and she didn't get me cheese.
Sometimes I wonder why I put up with these humans.
Monday, June 06, 2005
My Weekend
Ah, it's good to be the Empress. A nice summer weekend with the peeps around all day to do my bidding... perfect!
On Sunday, Uncle Glen came by and helped the peeps in the yard. I helped too, of course. My favourite part was the new gravel. It smelled SO...VERY...INTERESTING... The front garden is starting to look really spiffy. Lots of plants (that are even growing now that I've decided I don't feel like laying on them anymore), some nice rocks, gravel - those peeps have been working hard. I was more of a "foreman" than a "worker". Everyone has to work to their strengths!
We were all lamenting the loss of the roses and how bare that area looks and how much we hate the view of our neighbours ugly beige stucco. I kept walking back and forth along the fence trying to figure out why, oh why. The girl now has big plans for that corner. I think the boy is a little worried...
On Sunday, Uncle Glen came by and helped the peeps in the yard. I helped too, of course. My favourite part was the new gravel. It smelled SO...VERY...INTERESTING... The front garden is starting to look really spiffy. Lots of plants (that are even growing now that I've decided I don't feel like laying on them anymore), some nice rocks, gravel - those peeps have been working hard. I was more of a "foreman" than a "worker". Everyone has to work to their strengths!
We were all lamenting the loss of the roses and how bare that area looks and how much we hate the view of our neighbours ugly beige stucco. I kept walking back and forth along the fence trying to figure out why, oh why. The girl now has big plans for that corner. I think the boy is a little worried...
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Way to go, fur brother!

Zephyr FINALLY learned how to jump up onto the counters! I'm SO very proud of him and he's quite proud of himself as well! Since the peeps brought him home in October he's looked up there longingly, hoping to someday be able to get on the counters like I do and he finally did it! I was up there within DAYS of being home (and I was a way teenier kitten when I arrived), but as I've said before he's a little slow and he's got that gigantic rear end...
Oh - the counters are DEFINITELY one of the places where I'm not "allowed", so I guess that means that Zeph isn't either. I've learned to do all my exploring up there when the peeps aren't home so I'm sure he will too!
Way to go, fur brother!
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
So Sad
So the peep and I were relaxing in the living room when we heard chainsawing. Chainsawing is pretty common in our neighbourhood, but this sounded pretty close so we went to look out the kitchen window and were struck down in grief. The gorgeous pink big-as-your-head old rambling roses that trailed over our fences from the neighbour's yard are TOTALLY GONE. The girl peep thinks they were one of the only pretty things in our yard (which she says is "in transition" and the Can Opener says is "a lot of work coming up") I liked those roses, even if the Grandma thinks that's where I scratch my nose up (everyone else thinks it's from disagreements with the other felines in the neighbourhood). I liked to balance on top of the fence and bat at them with my outstretched paws- they were springy! I liked to go outside with the peeps and frolic in the grass while they sat on the bench under the canopy those roses made. I liked to get up close and smell them really hard (they smelled divine).
The neighbour's yard is ugly now. Nothing but boring old grass.
Boo, neighbour. Boo.
The neighbour's yard is ugly now. Nothing but boring old grass.
Boo, neighbour. Boo.