Just wishing a good Thanksgiving to my readers from south of the 49th Parallel. We had Thanksgiving last month in Canada, but I may try to scrounge up a bird for dinner tonight anyway.
Hope your Thanksgiving is Turducken-filled, my American friends!
They're easier to play if you have opposable thumbs
Are you familiar with the phrase that goes something like, "That's as difficult as herding cats?" Now, why anybody would ever dare to herd the most noble and independent creature on the planet is beyond me. But here's a videogame that's kind of like herding cats. This fellow Ferry Halim has designed almost 50 of the most elegant and fun-but-frustrating online videogames you're likely to find. The music and sound effects in them are just delightful. And they're all free! Kind of makes you wonder what he's up to. . .
The Door Opener's favourite game is the uber-charming "Chicken Wings Are Not For Flying." If the guy isn't going to design any more games featuring cats, I guess the poultry-based ones would be my next favourite.
I'm tired of all this rain. The sun never shines anymore and every single day is cold and wet. I want summer back and I want it back NOW. If I knew who to hiss at, I'd do it. I think the fleshies are responsible for the weather somehow...
My peeps are always so BUSY. Very un-catlike of them. They get the urge to do something and then they spend the entire day bothering me and interrupting my routine. I hate that. When they get some dumb idea in their large fleshy brains (something absurd like painting my bathroom), they should just take a nap until the urge passes. Who cares if the bathroom is offensively peach and hasn't been painted since the eighties? I LIKED that bathroom! My box was in there and the room didn't need painting. I liked to drink out of the tap and it smelled just right! Now my box is out in the hallway, I'm not allowed in the bathroom even if I'm really thirsty for drippy tap water and it's really stinky up there. Stupid peeps.
Psychic Message to Fleshies: I know you know I'm here. Now LET ME IN.
It's cold and really windy and off and on rainy today and I keep thinking I want outside, but then once I'm out, I'm absolutely sure that I want in and QUICKLY. I've done this about...14 times so far today. I don't know why the Door Opener is getting so testy about it. It IS her job, after all. She also gets very impatient when I stand halfway in and halfway out the door. I'm trying to decide! Give the Empress some time to make up her mind!
Here are some more of our pumpkins. I think the one on the left looked kind of hypnotized. The Door Opener is pretty handy with the pumpkin knife. I would have helped, but I don't like getting my beautiful white paws icky.
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.