No More Foster Kitties
We don't have foster kitties anymore. No, it's not because the Girl can't take it - it was only Acorn that got her so loopy, it's because Zephyr is FILLED WITH GERMS. Yep, contagious that boy is. Crawling with cooties. He didn't get his kitten shots (being a wild kitten with no fleshies to look out for you will do that to you) so now he has Chlamydia (that makes the male human snicker for some reason) and that gives him chronic conjunctivitis. What does this all mean, you ask? Oh go look it up yourself. Oh - too lazy you say? That's alright - I'm a cat - I understand lazy. Well basically it just means that sometimes his eyes look really gross and red and runny and goopy and he sneezes and snuffles and needs eye cream off and on. Luckilly I had all my kitten shots so I won't get it, but any foster kitties could, so now it's just the 2 of us. And that's how I like it.
Spay and neuter your pets, people. I can't say it often enough. No little kitten should have to fend for himself and his sisters in the big germ-filled and scary world.
Spay and neuter your pets, people. I can't say it often enough. No little kitten should have to fend for himself and his sisters in the big germ-filled and scary world.
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Momma giggled a little at the chlamydia thing too... I'm sad to hear Zephyr has chronic pink eye. My cousin, Riley-dog got it once from another doggie. He didn't enjoy it too much. I'm glad your beans love Zephyr so much. It takes a lot of heart to care for a poodin' with special needs like that
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