Ahhhh, Christmas time was good here at the Empress household. Santa Claws brought lots of good things for the felines and the fleshies broke out the goat cheese for some fine festive snacking. My heartfelt wish for my very own goat for the backyard was ignored, but maybe next year...
As for New Years Resolutions I think I'll go with three...
1) Be more demanding.
2) Refuse to let those chumps tell me what to do.
3) Find a way to subvert their bizarre need to vacuum.
It was a genuinely exciting weekend for us all. Zephyr could only watch from the window (that's his view in the first photo), but I got to be outside to see the construction of a new fence in my backyard! The peeps must know some secrets about Uncle Glen that he doesn’t want the world to know about, if you catch my drift. Otherwise, I can’t imagine why he would devote two full days (at least 16 solid hours) of hard labour to helping the fleshies without presenting them with an invoice for his services at the end of the weekend. I don’t know about you, but I won’t do anything unless there’s some sort of payoff for me. But that’s just my style. I don’t like the new fence. The old rickety one was much easier to pass through into our neighbour’s yard. But I have my ways. No fence can ever be the boss of me!
Well, it’s been more than a couple months since yours truly has posted a real blog entry. What has the Empress been up to, you ask? This has been the nature of my activities in August and September: 1. Sleep in the cat-bed. 2. Ask to go outside. 3. Sleep outside. 4. Ask to come inside. 5. Eat. 6. Repeat above in various combinations.
And what of my stocky fur-brother, Zephyr? Oh, he’s had adventure after adventure. Here’s a photo of him enjoying the warmth of a shaft of sunlight. That was a pretty exciting day for him. He still talks about it.
But he's had other adventures too. A few weeks ago, this strange ginger cat came up to our kitchen door and virtually demanded that Zephyr come out and play. Now, Zephy is a bit of a fraidy-feline, but he’s always been open to meeting new cats. He tends to assume a new cat is a potential new friend. I’m not as trusting as him, but he’s an indoors-dweller. He’s not as possessive of our yard as I am. However, the peeps won’t let Zephyr out, and they didn’t think it right to let a stranger in (probably because they knew I would have a fit), so the two of them just stared at each other longingly for awhile until the fluffy stranger went on his merry way.
And I'd tell more (wait'll you hear how happy the Door Opener is about her new fence!) if I was able to attach any more photos to this post. But I'm just not able to. I guess you get what you pay for. Boo, Blogger, boo.
More to come soon, when I can more easily produce some images to accompany my words.
We're rainforest kitties and aren't used to the hot hot temperatures. We were doing anything we could to try and stay cool. Zephyr stretched himself out on the tile on the bathroom floor and just stayed there for days and I tried out every possible position and place to try and catch a breeze. The catbed was WAY TOO HOT, but I did find this pile of boxes which just happened to be dead centre under a fan. It was hard to get comfy, but it was a little cooler. We're all glad the cool temperatures are back - the Door Opener and I are less crabby and Zephyr is a little more zippy.
What's there to say about me? I'm GREAT. I'm a feisty feline who is in charge of everybody and everything in my world! Or I should be anyway. Sometimes those chumps try to thwart me, but I usually prevail.