Oh the humiliation!

Unbelievably, I'm still grounded. And to make matters worse, the Can Opener just dropped a copy of "Patio Daddy-o: '50s Recipes With a '90s Twist" on me. I thought the sky was falling! You should have seen me run! I definitely wasn't expecting that one. I guess I'm a little jittery. Cabin fever and such.
To top it off, the Can Opener thinks we should highlight the above reference to that stupid book and make it a link to Amazon. He says if anybody follows the link and buys the book, he gets a nickel or something. The Door Opener keeps calling him a "Goober". I'm not quite sure what that means. The internet gives different meanings for that word.
Oh Musette, I am SOOO sorry your Can Opener dropped that book on you and that you are still grounded! I hope things will be better for you tomorrow!
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