The Fur Brother

Some of you out there have been saying that you wanted to see a picture of my fur brother, Zephyr, or as he's known around here "Two-Tons-of-Fun", "Wide Load", "Chunk Style", "The Chubster", "Too Plush to Rush" or "Built for Comfort". We all love Zeph, but he's not really a specimen of feline beauty and grace. Yep, he's chubby AND clumsy (we try not to let him see us laugh when he falls off a chair). He makes a really excellent sidekick for me and for some reason the peeps think he's "nice" and "sweet" and "gentle" and "good-hearted" because he never expresses how he feels with hissing or growling like I do. I just think he's kind of slow and maybe a little repressed...
Musette, where are you? It's been nearly a week since we've had your sage wisdom and pithy teachings to help guide our tiny, insignificant lives. I hope those thwarting chumps haven't succeeded in silencing your mission. Prevail! Prevail!
It was a while between postings, wasn't it? A nap kind of got away from me. Thanks for your concern, chum(p).
LOL! Wide Load. That's what my Gramma calls me.
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